19-10-2012, 13:07
Subscribers to UPC Cablecom will have online access to significantly more channels than their Dutch counterparts when the Horizon platform is launched in Switzerland early next year.
Speaking at the IHS Future of Digital Media Distribution conference in London, Bob Greene, Managing Director Online Entertainment at Liberty Global, said UPC would offer 120 channels compared to the 80 channels available in the Netherlands.
Describing the conversations with Liberty Global CEO Mike Fries and Liberty Media chairman John Malone, Greene said Horizon was a relatively easy sell, given the knowledge that what begins on US cable invariably transfers to the European market three years’ later.
There was evidence of movement in the market as European consumers made their own decisions. “You have to be around long enough to remember when broadcasters dismissed cable, cable dismissed satellite, both dismissed DSL and everyone dismissed YouTube… Linear television is always going to dominate, but its percentage of viewership is in decline.â€Â
Greene told delegates that 10% of UPC Nederland’s digital subscriber base were already using the multuiscreen services associated with Horizon.
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Speaking at the IHS Future of Digital Media Distribution conference in London, Bob Greene, Managing Director Online Entertainment at Liberty Global, said UPC would offer 120 channels compared to the 80 channels available in the Netherlands.
Describing the conversations with Liberty Global CEO Mike Fries and Liberty Media chairman John Malone, Greene said Horizon was a relatively easy sell, given the knowledge that what begins on US cable invariably transfers to the European market three years’ later.
There was evidence of movement in the market as European consumers made their own decisions. “You have to be around long enough to remember when broadcasters dismissed cable, cable dismissed satellite, both dismissed DSL and everyone dismissed YouTube… Linear television is always going to dominate, but its percentage of viewership is in decline.â€Â
Greene told delegates that 10% of UPC Nederland’s digital subscriber base were already using the multuiscreen services associated with Horizon.
Citaat:Abonnees van UPC Kabelcom zal hebben online toegang tot aanzienlijk meer kanalen dan hun Nederlandse collega's bij de Horizon-platform wordt gelanceerd in Zwitserland begin volgend jaar.
Spreken op de IHS toekomst van Digital Media Distribution conferentie in Londen, Bob Greene, Managing Director Online Entertainment bij Liberty Global, zei UPC zou 120 kanalen ten opzichte van de 80 beschikbare kanalen in Nederland aan te bieden.
Het beschrijven van de gesprekken met Liberty Global CEO Mike Fries en Liberty Media voorzitter John Malone, Greene zei Horizon was een relatief makkelijk te verkopen, gezien de kennis die wat begint op de Amerikaanse kabel altijd overdraagt ​​aan de Europese markt drie jaar later.
Er was bewijs van de beweging in de markt als de Europese consumenten die hun eigen beslissingen. "Je moet lang genoeg om te onthouden wanneer omroepen ontslagen kabel, kabel ontslagen satelliet, zowel ontslagen DSL en iedereen ontslagen YouTube ... Lineaire televisie zal altijd overheersen, maar het percentage van kijkers is in verval."
Greene vertelde de afgevaardigden dat 10% van de digitale abonnees van UPC Nederland's al werden de multuiscreen diensten in verband met Horizon gebruikt.
beetje slechte vertaling via Google vertaalsite.